How Much Does a Fresno DUI Really Cost?

What does a DUI arrest and conviction really cost in Fresno County? When you are arrested for a DUI, like most people, you do not expect to face the unexpected expense that comes with a DUI case.

However, seeing as how Fresno DUI arrests are climbing higher each year, the cost of a DUI is becoming a major concern for numerous people charged with a DUI.

Many people assume that you will pay a fine in court and that is about the extent of the costs. Unfortunately, you are likely to pay at least $16,000, and over a course of 13 years, it is likely to cost you $45,000. The true cost of a DUI is not only monetary, but you could face a prison sentence if someone is killed as a result of you drinking and driving.

As you can see, there are numerous costs associated with a DUI.  Some of the DUI costs you can expect to pay include:

  • Bail Costs.
  • Towing Fees.
  • Insurance.
  • Court Fines.
  • Alcohol Classes.
  • Alcohol/Drug Inpatient and Outpatient Programs.
  • Ankle/Alcohol Detection Monitoring Device.
  • Work Program/Community Service.
  • Ignition Interlock Device (IID).
  • DMV Fees and Costs.
  • Probation Fees.

The one aspect of the financial implications of your DUI over which you have direct control is how much you pay for legal fees. By contacting a DUI lawyer right away can make a huge difference when facing the large costs that are associated with a DUI.

Although DUI lawyers are not free, you will be able to obtain quality legal representation where your attorney will educate you about the DUI charges and your rights, make sure to explain your options when it comes to your case, and uses her experience to obtain the best result for you, without wasting your money.

Do not Fight a DUI on Your Own- Get Help Right Away!

For more information on the benefits of hiring an experienced DUI lawyer and the costs associated with a DUI, please see our website on all the fees you can expect to pay. You may also contact us to discuss your case for free.

Posted on
July 23, 2015
Fresno Drunk Driving Posts
DUI arrests, DUI charges, DUI lawyer, Fresno DUI attorney, Fresno DUI costs, how many people get arrested for DUI, how much does a DUI costs

Fresno DUI Laws-What is Your Blood Alcohol Level?

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
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Determining the blood alcohol level in your system at the time of driving is key to a DUI case. Here is how to determine if you have a valid defense for your DUI case, including how to calculate alcohol levels in DUI cases.

Contacting DMV Driver's after a DUI Arrest in Fresno

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
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DMV must be contacted within 10 days from the date of your DUI arrest or you will lose your license. Read this post for a few quick tips that will help you avoid a suspended license and help you prepare for your DMV hearing.

Fresno DUI's and Miranda Rights in DUI Cases

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
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March 16, 2015
There are changes in the Miranda laws and you may not realize that Miranda may not apply in your case. See how you can protect yourself when the officers question you during a DUI investigation in Fresno County.

Don't Press Your Luck This Saint Patrick's Day!

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Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
March 16, 2015
Have some green beer and relax this Saint Patrick's Day. There is no need to drive this year. Check out this new app that will keep you save as well as out of jail. With this app, you can count your lucky stars by not driving.

Speedy Trial Violations: Dismissals are Possible

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Saving Lives: Protecting Patients with Marijuana

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Who Let the Dogs Out? National Dog Day!

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Our Firm
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Law Offices
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Reminder to Reduce Your Charges Under Prop 47

See if you qualify for Prop 47 relief or an expungement for your felony case. Our lawyer will make sure you qualify.
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
March 18, 2015
If you have a Proposition 47 case and you are eligible to apply, make sure to apply for relief. Failing to do so will result in your charge staying on your record and you will still be considered a felon. Don't wait, call us today.

Fresno County Preliminary Hearings in Court

Fresno criminal defendants are required to attend a preliminary hearing to see if there is evidence to hold you over for trial.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
February 19, 2015
If you are facing felony charges in Fresno County, you may be required to attend a preliminary hearing. See what the difference between a preliminary hearing and a jury trial, including what witnesses will testify against you.

Why Should I Bail Out of Jail in Fresno?

If you are thinking of bailing out of custody, retain an attorney first to save on the bail costs.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
March 4, 2015
No one wants to go to jail, but do you know what your rights are to bail? Find out if you are entitled to bail before you contact a bail bonds company in Fresno. In some cases, you may not even need to post bail -see why in this post.

I did not go to jail, does that mean I am not facing a DUI?

Driving under the influence charges in Fresno do not always result in you being booked in Fresno County Jail - see a lawyer immediately.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
March 17, 2015
Were you recently cited for DUI, but the Fresno police failed to arrest you? If so, you are not alone. Many people arrested for suspicion of drunk driving are not taken to the jail for many reasons. Find out if this is legal.

Bailing out of the Fresno County Jail

A Fresno lawyer is able to help you understand the bailing out process in Fresno and get a bail bonds company of you.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
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