Don't Press Your Luck This Saint Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day is one of the deadliest days of year because of drunk driving. In 2013, there were 31 people killed and hundreds injured in drunk-driving crashes on St. Patrick's Day.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that on Saint Patrick's Day from 2009 to 2013, there have been 276 drunk-driving fatalities.

The California Office of Traffic Safety DDVIP app is now available for free download on iOS and Android devices. The new app offers enhanced features, allowing users to "Map a Spot" with their current location to find DDVIP partnering establishments in their area or a "List of Spots" to search all participating bars and restaurants throughout California, including Fresno. Each establishment offers one or more free items to the Designated Sober Driver, from non-alcoholics drinks to appetizers.  You can easily order a sober ride from Uber!

Fresno Police are cracking down on drunk drivers over the St. Patrick’s Day, so if you plan to drink, please don’t drive.  If you are pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving, protect your rights and contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

Posted on
March 16, 2015
Fresno Drunk Driving Posts
drinking and driving March 17, DUI, DUI arrest, DUI attorney, DUI deaths, DUI fatalities, Saint Patrick's Day

Facing Underage DUI Charges in Fresno County

Fresno underage drinking and DUI are prosecuted harshly so get an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend you in Fresno.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
April 2, 2015
Underage drinking and driving is prosecuted fully by the Fresno District Attorney. Being arrested for underage drinking or DUI, you must understand the criminal charges against you in order to fight against the conviction.

Memorial Day Weekend - DUI Arrests and DUI Checkpoints

If you have a DUI case because you were charged with a DUI on Memorial Day, call an experienced criminal and DUI lawyer as soon as possible.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 22, 2015
Memorial Day may be a great day to remember those that serve, but make sure not to serve yourself too many drinks. Fresno police officers are cracking down on drunk drivers so follow these tips to avoid being arrested.

Police Body Cameras May Not Protect You on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is popular day for DUI arrests in Fresno, California. Contact DUI lawyer today.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 9, 2017
What you may not know about police body cameras and their failure to protect us this Mother's Day. Find out what police are NOT doing with their body cameras and how to protect yourself if you are pulled over for DUI.

What is Driving a Vehicle under Fresno DUI Laws?

A DUI can be proven even if the officer did not see you drive unless you retain a criminal defense attorney in Fresno.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
March 1, 2015
If you want to know what the law says about driving under the DUI laws, you will want to read this post. There are various problems when a person is not driving a vehicle and is accused of drinking and driving.

Can I Pay My Fine in Pennies? Legally Weird

Don't pay your ticket without talking to a traffic ticket lawyer. A speeding traffic ticket can be won with the right attorney.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
August 18, 2015
Have you really had it with the police and courts and want to play a prank by paying with pennies? If so, think again. Learn why it is not a good idea and the real tips on how to stick it to the police officer and the courts.

Can The Police Take My Cell Phone And Search It?

Cell phones searches may be illegal and to determine if the police illegally searched your cell phone, call a Fresno criminal defense attorney.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
April 22, 2015
Would you mind others snooping on your cell phone? If not, you are not alone. See what the US Supreme Court said about the legality of searching your cell phone and what you can do to avoid the police from viewing your cell.

DUIs and DMV Help: Save My Driver's License!

DMV hearings are complicated and without an attorney, you can lose your license for a long time. Call an experienced DUI lawyer today.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
September 16, 2015
Have you been arrested for a DUI lately? If so, read this important information regarding DMV hearings and how they are separate from your criminal court matter. Contacting DMV to request a DMV hearing can help you - see how.

Fresno County Tough on Petty Theft Charges

Petty theft and shoplifting in Fresno will be prosecuted without having the proper criminal lawyer that understands theft charges.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
April 16, 2015
Have you been arrested or accused of petty theft? If so, you need to read the steps you need to take to keep from getting a petty theft conviction in Fresno County. This blog will explain the charge and how you can fight it.

Visit the Law Offices of Tina M. Barberi, PC

Fresno criminal, DUI, and traffic attorney, Tina M. Barberi, is dedicated to your case. Call today to find out how we can help you.
Our Firm
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
April 8, 2015
We are committed to helping persons that are accused of criminal or DUI charges in Fresno County. If you need help on a criminal case, stop by and discuss your case for free. We are here to help and will work hard for you.

Who Let the Dogs Out? National Dog Day!

Dogs are the best, especially on National Dog Day, even when I am reading the law books at Tina Barberi's law firm
Our Firm
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
August 26, 2015
Hooray, today is National Dog Day! We love our four-legged friends and want to show our special thanks for the love they always give us. Meet our best friends and then tell your special pooch how much they mean to you as well.

Motions to Suppress in Criminal Cases in Fresno

Illegal detentions, searches and seizures are serious and without a criminal attorney, it is difficult to win a suppression motion.
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
March 6, 2015
Motion to suppress hearings are a way to show the police illegally searched or seized evidence illegally. Make sure you understand what these motions are and how to use them when you are facing criminal charges.

4th of July – Don’t Go Out With A BANG!

Drinking and fireworks do not go together when you drive. A Fresno DUI lawyer with a great record for success can help you.
Our Firm
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
July 2, 2015
Do not let the firecrackers blow up in your face by drinking and driving on the 4th of July. Police are out to arrest drunk drivers so check out our tips to have a safe and sane holiday this year in order to stay out of jail.

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