Don't Press Your Luck This Saint Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day is one of the deadliest days of year because of drunk driving. In 2013, there were 31 people killed and hundreds injured in drunk-driving crashes on St. Patrick's Day.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that on Saint Patrick's Day from 2009 to 2013, there have been 276 drunk-driving fatalities.

The California Office of Traffic Safety DDVIP app is now available for free download on iOS and Android devices. The new app offers enhanced features, allowing users to "Map a Spot" with their current location to find DDVIP partnering establishments in their area or a "List of Spots" to search all participating bars and restaurants throughout California, including Fresno. Each establishment offers one or more free items to the Designated Sober Driver, from non-alcoholics drinks to appetizers.  You can easily order a sober ride from Uber!

Fresno Police are cracking down on drunk drivers over the St. Patrick’s Day, so if you plan to drink, please don’t drive.  If you are pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving, protect your rights and contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

Posted on
March 16, 2015
Fresno Drunk Driving Posts
drinking and driving March 17, DUI, DUI arrest, DUI attorney, DUI deaths, DUI fatalities, Saint Patrick's Day

What is Driving a Vehicle under Fresno DUI Laws?

A DUI can be proven even if the officer did not see you drive unless you retain a criminal defense attorney in Fresno.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
March 1, 2015
If you want to know what the law says about driving under the DUI laws, you will want to read this post. There are various problems when a person is not driving a vehicle and is accused of drinking and driving.

Avoid a DUI Conviction on Cinco de Mayo!

DUIs for Cinco de Mayo Fresno is very common because Fresno police target drunk drivers to arrest you when you do not have a lawyer.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 5, 2015
Fresno police will be patrolling heavily on Cinco De Mayo, so read these quick tips to avoid being arrested and accused of a DUI. See why police use this holiday as a major source of revenue and how you can stop them.

Graduation Day 2015: Avoid DUI Arrests

Talk to a Fresno DUI lawyer if you are charged with drinking and driving in Fresno after a graduation event.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 28, 2015
Congratulations, Graduates. We would like to tell you how proud we are of you for your hard work. We also want to caution you on not drinking and driving because it can damage your future if you do not take our advice.

What You Must Know if You are Arrested for a DUI.

Illegal searches and seizure cases are difficult to prove without an experienced criminal law firm in Fresno, California.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 16, 2015
DUI arrests are complicated and in order to fight a DUI, you must understand how an officer can arrest you on suspicion of DUI. Learn what it takes for an officer to prove you are guilty of a DUI and how to defend yourself.

Facing Underage DUI Charges in Fresno County

Fresno underage drinking and DUI are prosecuted harshly so get an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend you in Fresno.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
April 2, 2015
Underage drinking and driving is prosecuted fully by the Fresno District Attorney. Being arrested for underage drinking or DUI, you must understand the criminal charges against you in order to fight against the conviction.

Caution: Don't Even Think About Driving with Alcohol!

Fresno defense attorneys that fight DUI cases understand the laws for DUI probation cases, including alcohol levels.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 18, 2015
If you have received a conviction for a DUI, it is important to not take it lightly. See tips and tricks for being on DUI probation in order to stay out of court and jail. You may be surprised how easy it is to violate probation.

How Much Does a Fresno DUI Really Cost?

DUI, traffic, and criminal cases are expensive, but with an experienced criminal defender you can save some cash.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
July 23, 2015
If you are charged with a DUI in Fresno, it is important to know the fines and fees that you will be required to pay if you are arrested and convicted. By contacting a dedicated DUI lawyer, you may be able to save money. Find out!

Immigration Consequences in Fresno

Do not enter a plea of guilt without expert advise for your case. Do not let the government take advantage of you - call us today.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
April 1, 2015
Immigration problems are a concern when you are arrested and charged with a crime or DUI in Fresno. If you are convicted of a crime, you may be deported and removed from the United States. Find out the exceptions to the law.

Visit the Law Offices of Tina M. Barberi, PC

Fresno criminal, DUI, and traffic attorney, Tina M. Barberi, is dedicated to your case. Call today to find out how we can help you.
Our Firm
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
April 8, 2015
We are committed to helping persons that are accused of criminal or DUI charges in Fresno County. If you need help on a criminal case, stop by and discuss your case for free. We are here to help and will work hard for you.

Cellphone Location Data and Privacy in Fresno

Cell phone criminal lawyers Fresno will help you with illegal search and seizures. Need experienced advice in criminal prosecutions.
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
January 16, 2016
Should officers be able to search your phone in Fresno? What rights do you have when it comes to your phone? Find out if your phone is subject to being searched by law enforcement and what can you do to protect your privacy.

Speedy Trial Violations: Dismissals are Possible

Fresno courts must dismiss the case against you even if you are guilty when your rights are violated in Fresno with the right attorney.
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
April 18, 2016
The government is required to prosecute you within a reasonable period of time, and when there is a violation of a speedy trial right, it is serious. See if your case should be dismissed when the district attorney violates the law.

Saving Lives: Protecting Patients with Marijuana

Drug and marijuana cases can be fought when you have the right criminal law attorney in Fresno. Free consult to discuss your case.
Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
October 6, 2015
Questions on medical marijuana in the state of California? See what the problems with production and transportation of medical marijuana in the state and see what you can do to protect yourself as a user and patient.

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