I did not go to jail, does that mean I am not facing a DUI?

Law enforcement is becoming more creative when conducting DUI investigations.  In many law enforcement agencies, they are allowing the suspect to call a friend or family member to pick the person up instead of taking the person to jail.  This is not to benefit the suspect, but most individuals believe the officer is doing them a favor because they were not under the influence or there are problems with the case.

Unfortunately, when a DUI investigation occurs by the Fresno Police Department, the driver will face the same DUI charges as another driver that was taken into custody. This is especially true for the Fresno Police DUI Enforcement officers.  Most of these DUI motorcycle officers are only allowing the individual to go home if he or she can locate a ride so the police officer does not have to spend time booking the individual into jail.  This allows the officer to arrest more suspects because they are not forced to waste time at the police department or jail.

It is important to remember that in order for an officer to give a breath or blood chemical test, the driver must be arrested.  Therefore, just because the individual did not go to jail, does not mean there was not an arrest.

If you were involved in a DUI investigation, you should talk to a DUI lawyer right away. Call for a free consultation- (559) 447-1240.

Posted on
March 17, 2015
Fresno Drunk Driving Posts
DUI arrest, DUI investigation, DUI task force in Fresno, Fresno DUI arrest, Fresno DUI attorney, Fresno DUI driving, Fresno DUI Lawyer, Fresno Police Department and DUI

What You Must Know if You are Arrested for a DUI.

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 16, 2015
DUI arrests are complicated and in order to fight a DUI, you must understand how an officer can arrest you on suspicion of DUI. Learn what it takes for an officer to prove you are guilty of a DUI and how to defend yourself.

Hiring the Right Drunk Driving Lawyer in Fresno

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
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When you are charged with a crime, you do not know where to turn or who you can trust. Finding the attorney that is a perfect match for you is where you need to start. See these helpful tips to locate the best attorney for you.

Memorial Day Weekend - DUI Arrests and DUI Checkpoints

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
May 22, 2015
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What is Driving a Vehicle under Fresno DUI Laws?

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
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If you want to know what the law says about driving under the DUI laws, you will want to read this post. There are various problems when a person is not driving a vehicle and is accused of drinking and driving.

Reminder to Reduce Your Charges Under Prop 47

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Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
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If you have a Proposition 47 case and you are eligible to apply, make sure to apply for relief. Failing to do so will result in your charge staying on your record and you will still be considered a felon. Don't wait, call us today.

4th of July – Don’t Go Out With A BANG!

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Our Firm
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Speedy Trial Violations: Dismissals are Possible

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Law Offices
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Motions to Suppress in Criminal Cases in Fresno

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Criminal, Traffic and DUI defense Fresno, CA
Law Offices
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Police Body Cameras May Not Protect You on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is popular day for DUI arrests in Fresno, California. Contact DUI lawyer today.
Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
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What you may not know about police body cameras and their failure to protect us this Mother's Day. Find out what police are NOT doing with their body cameras and how to protect yourself if you are pulled over for DUI.

Is Proposition 47 Appropriate for Your Felony?

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
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Fresno County Tough on Petty Theft Charges

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
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Fresno DUI's and Miranda Rights in DUI Cases

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Tina Barberi, DUI and criminal lawyer in Fresno will fight to win your criminal and DUI case.
Tina M. Barberi
March 16, 2015
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