What You Need to Avoid When You Get a Traffic Ticket

Avoid a suspended license case by contacting traffic attorney, Tina Barberi
Avoid Suspensions

Failing to appear in court causes serious problems and can lead to more problems than you may think.

What is a Failure to appear?

A failure to appear results if you do not appear in court. When you get a traffic ticket, you may believe you do not have a court date, but actually you are required to appear or pay the bail. In most cases, anyone charged with a traffic ticket will just pay the fine before the court date.

But when you do not appear or do not pay your traffic ticket, the court will add a failure to appear charge to your case. As a result, your fines will increase and DMV will place a hold on your license.

Suspensions on Driver’s License.

When DMV places a hold on your license, your license will become suspended if you do not act. Once your license is suspended, you are not allowed to drive.

If you continue to drive while your license is suspended, you will face a misdemeanor charges. Your car will be impounded for up to 30 days. In addition, you will be looking at mandatory fines and a jail sentence.

If you continue to get suspended license cases, you will have too many points and the DMV will suspended your license for at least 6 months AND until you clear up your tickets.

You can avoid fines, jail and a license suspension by contacting a traffic attorney to represent. In most cases, a lawyer can save you time and expense because they will fight the traffic charges against you.

Contact a Traffic Lawyer Immediately.

If you already have a suspended license, you can stop the cycle by talking to a traffic lawyer right away. Not all attorneys understand the court system, but a knowledgeable traffic defense attorney can show you how to correct the underlying problem. Once the failure to appear case is corrected, you can obtain a driver's license.

We help all clients that are accused of a traffic or criminal case and we can help you if you are facing a traffic ticket or a suspended license. Feel free to call us to see how we can help. (559) 447-1240.

Posted on
July 7, 2015
Fresno Traffic Law Posts
driving with a suspended license, failing to pay traffic ticket, failure to appear, failure to appear traffic ticket, fresno traffic lawyer, fta, suspended license

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