Spring Clean Your Criminal Record Now!

Almost anyone who was granted probation, has completed all the terms of probation, is no longer on probation, and who is not currently serving a sentence for any other offense, if eligible for an expungment.

Even if you were denied probation, you may still obtain an expungement.  You are required to wait one year after your conviction before applying for expungement.  Additionally, even if your criminal case was reduced to an infraction, you are now eligible for an expungement.

There are some instances where an expungement is discretionary.  These involve driving under the influence or other alcohol related offense, driving with a suspended license, or to request a reduction to a misdemeanor.  However, just because it is discretionary, my office routinely handles these discretionary expungments and the relief we request is granted.

Expunging a criminal record has long term effects, so you should seek guidance from an efficient expungement lawyer in Fresno to make sure the process is done completely and properly. A misstep during the expungement process can be cost you dearly and may not be able to be corrected later. Talk to an experienced expungement lawyer in Fresno to ensure your record is cleared correctly.

Call us now at (559) 447-1240 or complete our online consultation form if you have additional questions related to clearing your criminal record.

Posted on
March 30, 2015
Fresno Criminal Law Posts
clearing your criminal record, expungements, expungements Fresno, Fresno expungements, probation and expungement, record erased

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Our Firm
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Can The Police Take My Cell Phone And Search It?

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